Mahjong 247

Welcome to the fascinating world of Mahjong! This traditional Chinese game blends skill, strategy, and a touch of luck. It’s enjoyed by millions worldwide, from casual players at home to competitors in professional tournaments. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, this guide covers everything you need to know about Mahjong, including the basic rules, effective strategies, and helpful tips and tricks.

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Join us at Mahjong 247 and connect with the global Mahjong community anytime, anywhere!

What is Mahjong?

Mahjong is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing dynasty. It is commonly played by four players, but there are variations for three. The game and its regional variants are widely played throughout Eastern and South Eastern Asia and have also gained popularity in the West.

Understanding the Mahjong Set

A standard Mahjong set includes 144 tiles divided into various suits and types:

  • Suits:
    • Bamboos (or Bams)
    • Characters (or Craks)
    • Dots (or Circles)
  • Honors:
    • Winds (East, South, West, North)
    • Dragons (Red, Green, White)
  • Bonus Tiles:
    • Flowers
    • Seasons

Basic Rules of Mahjong

  1. Setup: Each player starts by building a wall of 18 tiles wide and 2 tiles high in front of them.
  2. Starting the Game: The dealer throws two dice and counts that number from the right end of their wall, beginning the game by breaking the wall.
  3. Drawing Tiles: Players draw tiles to form a hand of 13 tiles, drawing and discarding tiles to form legal hands and to complete a legal hand called a “Mahjong.”
  4. Making a Mahjong: A winning hand typically consists of four sets (a set is either a “pung” of three identical tiles or a “chow” of three consecutive tiles of the same suit) and one pair.

Play “Black and White” Mahjong

Strategies and Tips


  • Focus on the Dead Wall: Keep an eye on which tiles are unlikely to help other players. If a tile has been discarded multiple times, it might be safe to discard as well.
  • Plan Your Moves: Always think a few moves ahead. Planning can help you decide whether to discard a tile or keep it for a potential sequence.
  • Balance Your Hand: Try to maintain a balance between keeping useful tiles and discarding risky ones, especially those that might help your opponents complete their hands.

Tips and Tricks

  • Watch Your Opponents: Pay attention to what tiles your opponents discard. This can give you a clue about their hands and strategy.
  • Use the Charleston Wisely: In versions of Mahjong that involve a Charleston (a procedure of passing unwanted tiles to your left, across, and to your right), use this to rid your hand of unhelpful tiles while gaining ones that may help complete your hand.
  • Defensive Play: If you notice an opponent is close to Mahjong, play more defensively by keeping tiles they might need.

Essential 247 Mahjong Terminology

  • Chow: A set of three consecutive tiles of the same suit.
  • Pung: A set of three identical tiles.
  • Kong: A set of four identical tiles.
  • Mahjong: Completing a legal hand that includes four sets and a pair.


247 Mahjong is not just a game of chance but a game of skill, strategy, and calculation. Each session is a new challenge, and with practice, you’ll find your gameplay improving significantly. Remember, the key to becoming a great Mahjong player lies in understanding the rules, observing your opponents, and continuously adapting your strategy. Happy playing!

This guide aims to provide you with a solid foundation in Mahjong, whether you’re sitting down at the table for the first time or looking to elevate your game. Dive into the world of Mahjong and enjoy the rich cultural heritage and engaging gameplay it offers!